
Asanuma Institue of GIS (GISAI)

Routeview 360+ Sightseeing
Tourism by Ukiyo-E
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Routeview360+ Sightseeing


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  During the pandemic of COVID-19, sightseeings using the virtual reality (VR) are getting common even among local governments and so on.
  In this site, I introduce the routes to sightseeing spots, where I have visited and submitted to StreetviewTM. These Routeview360+ images could be viewed as well as StreetviewTM, but they are quite different from StreetviewTM as these images are provided by HTML with your control.
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You may enjoy your maximum immersion with VR goggles like Oculus Quest2TM. (1) Wear Oculus Quest2TM. (2) Open the Oculus browserTM. (3) Enter the web address “https://gisai.dev”. (4) Select spot on Routeview360+. (5) Click "VR silhouette" located at the left bottom of the screen. (6) Click the rotating spheres. Enjoy in the VR world.

鎌倉(オートツアー)、日本 Kamakura (Auto tour), Japan
NA 古都鎌倉散策ツアー


Old Town Kamakura Auto Tour

This is a tour guide of the old town Kamakura. It is possible to start auto tours by clicking the menu on the right end. You can change views, like changing directions or zoom in and/or out during the auto tour.

NA Youtube投稿:古都鎌倉散策ガイド-1 鶴岡八幡宮編
Youtube投稿:古都鎌倉散策ガイド-2 鎌倉大仏編
Tour Guide of Old Town Kamakura-1 Tsuruoka-Hachimangu
NA ヒューストン宇宙センター、テキサス州


Houston Space Center, TX

Independence Plaza is one real exhibiton at Houston Space Center by Jhonson Space Center. You can always find the real exhibition, where you are excited with the real 747 and spaceshuttle. You can touch with the real launching rocket, manned capsel, control center and so on. https://spcecenter.org/

NA レイク・パウエルとレインボーブリッジ アリゾナ州とユタ州


Lake Powell and Rainbow Bridge, AZ and UT

Lake Powell is an artificial lake by Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River over Utah and Arizona. It took 17 years to establish the current water level and landscape since the completion of the dam in September 1966. The cruise from Wahweap Marina takes us to the Rainbow Bridge with two hours cruise and 20 minutes walk. As the cruise leaves around 7:30, it is recommended to stay in advance.

NA ホワイトサンド木道、ニューメキシコ州


White Sands Interdune Boardwalk, NM

The White Sand exhibits a huge landscape of white sads, where are various patterns of wind forced shapes on the sands. It takes about 90 minitues through the route 54 from El Paso. The bath room is availabe at the visitor center and in the parkings along the auto route in the park.

NA White Sands in North End of drive way, NM
NA ボストン・インナー港フェリー、マサチューセッツ州

ボストン・ローガン国際空港のフェリーターミナルから、ダウンタウンのロング・ワーフ(北岸)まで、MBTAによりフェリーが運航されています。ローガン空港のフェリータ ーミナルは、ハヤット・リージェンシー・ボストン・ハーバーに隣接し、空港内のフリーシャトルバスでアクセス可能です。ロング・ワーフ(北岸)は、クリストファー・コロンバス・ウォータフロント公園の>前、ボストン・マリオット・ロングワーフの前にあります。海側からダウンタウンに近付くと、ダウンタウンのビル群には迫るものがあります。所要時間は10分ですが、港の状況によりかなり変動があります。

Boston Inner Harbor Ferry, MA

There is a ferry service between Logan airport ferry terminal and Long Wharf North, operated by Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA). Logan airport ferry terminal is located by Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor and you can access by the free shuttle bus in Logan airport. Long Wharf North is located by Boston Marriott Long Wharf and in front of Christopher Columbus Waterfront Park. It is a very spectacular view of downtown Boston, when you are close to the town from the ocean. Nominally, 10 minutes cruise, but depends on traffic around Long Wharf North.

NA シルバー・ストランド・ビーチ、カリフォルニア州


Silver Strand Beach, CA

Silver Strand Beach is a big sandbank between Coronado and Imperial Beach in the west of San Diego bay. Route 75 is provided and the bus route is available between San Diego downtown and Alis Avenue Transit Center close to Mexico. It is possible to enjoy the quiet beach facing the Pacific.

NA セブンシスターズ、英国


Seven Sisters, England

Seven sisters are the lifted cliffs of sea beds, which are the depositions of coccolithophore in the Cretaceous period and exhibit a white color of coccolithophore. It takes about 30 minutes on foot from the bus stop of Seven Sisters Park Centre to the beach. The bus stop is available on route between Eastborn and Blighton. Or it takes about 20 minutes on foot from the South Hill Burn Parking to the beach. The bath room is not available in the beach. The route view shows the way from South Hill Burn Parking.

NA エトルタ、仏国


Etretat, France

Etretat is the spot to observe the white cliffs as well as the Seven Sisters in England. The white cliffs are the deposition of Coccolithophore during the Cretaceous period. The significant difference goes to the shapes of erosions by waves along the white cliffs. It is possible to access Etretat by a local bus service between Le Havre and Fecamp. A number of hotels, restaurants, and small markets are available within a town to welcome visitors. The walkway is available to the northern hills, where a church is located. There is a long walkway to the southern hills over the cliffs.

NA ゴルナグラード、スイス


Gornergrat, Swiss

We climb up to Zermatt (1620m) by Swiss Railways, and further steps to Gornergrat (3090m) by Gornergrat Railway. It is possible to view the Matterhorn (3410m) from Gornergrat. The Matterhorn could be observed from Zermatt, but it is a view between mountains. It is recommended to wear sunglasses.

NA パンテオン、ローマ


Pantheon, Rome

The initial Pantheon was built in 25BC by the Roman emperor Augutus, although it was burnt down later. The current Pantheon was built AD118 to 128 by the Roman emperor Hadrian. Later in AD609, the Roman temple was a Catholic church since AD609. The cylinder of 43.2m in diameter and the dome are piled. There is an interior circle of 9 m in diameter on the center of the dome.

NA パンテノン、アテネ


Panthenon, Athens

The Panthenon was constructed on the Acropolis hill, 150m elevation, from 447BC to 438BC during the peak of Athens, which is called Delian League confederacy of Greece cities. The Panthenon is a temple for Athena Greece Godess. The Panthenon was destroyed through wars and statues were brought away to England and so on. Currently, its reconstruction is in progress.

NA 東海道五十三次由井薩た嶺

広重の東海道五十三次「由井薩た嶺(ゆい さったれい)」の描かれた風景です。薩た岬の展望台から浮世絵と同じ構図をご覧頂けます。由井側と奥津側から車一台の通れる道路があり、展望台近くに駐車場とトイレがあります。アクセスが不便なことから、東名高速道路E1下りの由井PAに、同じ名前で展望台があります。

Satta-rei, Tokaido 53 post towns

Hiroshige published “Yui Satta-rei” in Tokaido 53 post towns. It is possible to observe Mt. Fuji as well as Ukiyo-E from the viewpoint of Satta Misaki. There is a narrow access road from Yui and Okitsu. The parking and bath rooms are available near the view point. Nexco Nishi-Nihon prepared the viewpoint at the Yui-PA as the access to Satta Misaki is not so good.

NA 東海道五十三次平塚縄手道

広重の東海道五十三次「平塚縄手道」に平塚宿場町の西外れから見た高麗山(こまやま)が描かれています。高麗山のふもとに高久神社があります。 。

HIratsuka Nawate-michi, Tokaido 53 post stations

Hiroshige published ”Hiratsuka Nawate-michi” in Tokaido 53 post towns. Koma-yama mountain is introduced on the Ukiyo-E, where Takaku Jinjya Shrine is located.

NA 東海道五十>三次藤沢遊行寺


Fujisawa Yugyoji, Tokaido 53 post stations

Hiroshige published “Fujisawa Yugyo-ji” in Tokaido 53 post towns. Yugyo-ji temple is located on the eastside of Sakae-gawa River, of which current name is Shojyoko-ji temple. It is supposed that travelers along Tokaido visited the temple frequently.

NA 北海道泊村鰊御殿(にしんごてん)


Nishin-Goten, Tomari, Hokkaido

Nishin is “herring”, which was very popular more than 100 years ago in Japan. Dried Nishin was distributed all over Japan as the preserved food. From the Meiji to Taisho periods, the transportation system was well deployed even in Hokkaido, and the system called seasonal fishermen to work in Hokkaido. In this period, the population of herring was very high and made a lot of money for local fishermen. Top fishermen could make a big residence from herring catch. Unfortunately, the population of Herring went down and now the building remains without residence.

NA 北海道泊村鰊御殿(にしんごてん)間取り図


Nishin-Goten, Tomari, Hokkaido with Floor Layout

The floor layout of Nishin-goten shows the details of camera position. This is a good example for the handling of real estates.

NA 西表島浦内川


Iriomote Urauchigawa River

The cruise boat is available from the river mouth of the Urauchi-gawa River. One hour cruise takes you to the deep end of river where the cruise boat can go up. It is possible to observe the distribution of vegetation from the mangrove forests near the ocean, the vegetation in the brackish and to the freshwaters.

NA 筑後川昇開橋


Chikugo Shokaikyo Bridge

The Chikugogawa River Lift Bridge was constructed for the railroad between Okawa City and Saga City over the Chikugogawa River. The bridge was constructed in 1935 and serviced to 1987. The length of the bridge is 507.2 m, the length of the lifted bridge is 24.2 m, the height difference is 23m, and its weight is 48 t. It is serviced for sightseeing up and down the lift bridge in 2020.

NA 箱根大観山


Hakone Daikan-yama Mountain

Hakone-Daikan-yama Mountain is located at the crossing point of Kanagawa Kendo 75 and Anest Iwata Turnpike Hakone, of which height is 1011 m. The landscape to view Mt. Fuji and Ashino-ko Lake. Rest house and free parking are available.

NA 川崎 六郷の渡し


Kawasaki Rokugo-no-watashi

Rokugo-bashi Bridge connects Tokyo and Kawasaki, where “Kawasaki Rokugo Watashi-bune” was illustrated in Tokaido 53 post towns. “Memorial for Meiji Emperor overpass Rokugo” is standing on the river side of Kawasaki. The Meiji Emperor entered Tokyo in the first year of the Meiji period using the bridge connected by 23 small boats. It is possible to observe Mt. Fuji from the middle of the bridge.

NA 日本橋


Nihon-bashi Bridge

Nihon-bashi Bridge was a main theme for Ukiyo-e as a symbol of Edo. In Tokaido 53 post towns, the Bushi line up bound for northern territory with men working at the fishery market were introduced. In Fugoku 36 scenes, Mt. Fuji was introduced over the storages along the river side and with Edo-jo Castle.
Recently, the recovery of Nihon-bashi Bridge under the blue sky is a topic to discuss with relocating the highway to under the river.

NA 地図から検索します。


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Index United States
id 地域 名称 地域名 Region Name Location
001-01 米国 ヒューストン宇宙センター テキサス州 USA Houston Space Center TX
001-02 米国 レイク・パウエル、レインボーブリッジ ユタ州、アリゾナ州 USA Lake Powell & Rainbow Bridge UT & AZ
001-03 米国 ホワイトサンド木道 ニューメキシコ州 USA White Sands Board walk NM
001-04 米国 ホワイトサンド北端 ニューメキシコ州 USA White Sands North end NM
001-05 米国 ボストン港フェリー マサチューセッツ州 USA Boston Inner Harbor Ferry MA
001-06 米国 シルバーストランドビーチ カリフォルニア州 USA Silver Strand Beach CA
001-07 米国 ラ・ホヤ ビーチ カリフォルニア州 USA La Jolla Beach CA
001-08 米国 モニュメントバレー アリゾナ州 USA Monument Valley AZ

Index England
id 地域 名称 地域名 Region Name Location
044-01 英国 セブン・シスターズ イーストボーン England Seven Sisters East Bourne

Index France
id 地域 名称 地域名 Region Name Location
033-01 仏国 白亜の岸壁 エトルタ France White Crif Etretat

Index Swiss
id 地域 名称 地域名 Region Name Location
041-01 スイス ゴルナグラード ゼルマット Swiss Gornergrat Zermatt

Index Italy
id 地域 名称 地域名 Region Name Location
039-01 イタリア パンテオン ローマ Italy Pantheon Rome
039-02 イタリア トレビの泉 ローマ Italy Fontana di Trevi Rome
039-03 イタリア ローマ・フミチーノ空港 ローマ Italy Rome Fiumichino Airport Rome

Index Greece
id 地域 名称 地域名 Region Name Location
030-01 ギリシャ アクロポリス アテネ Acropolis Athens

Index Tokaido 53 stops
id 地域 名称 地域名 Region Name Location
081-001 日本 日本橋(東海道53次) 東京 Japan Nihonbashi (Tokaido 53 stops) Tokyo
081-002 日本 品川宿(東海道53次) 東京 Japan Shinagawa-jyuku (Tokaido 53 stops) Tokyo
081-003 日本 六郷の渡し(東海道53次) 東京 Japan Rokugo-no-watashi (Tokaido 53 stops) Tokyo
081-004 日本 神奈川宿(東海道53次) 神奈川 Japan Kanagawa-shuku (Tokaido 53 stops) Kanagawa
081-005 日本 保土ヶ谷(東海道53次) 神奈川 Japan Hodogaya (Tokaido 53 stops) Kanagawa
081-006 日本 戸塚(東海道53次) 神奈川 Japan Totsuka (Tokaido 53 stops) Kanagawa
081-007 日本 Fujisawa(東海道53次) 神奈川 Japan 藤沢 (Tokaido 53 stops) Kanagawa
081-008 日本 平塚(東海道53次) 神奈川 Japan Hiratsuka (Tokaido 53 stops) Kanagawa
081-009 日本 大磯(東海道53次) 神奈川 Japan Oiso (Tokaido 53 stops) Kanagawa
081-010 日本 小田原 酒川(東海道53次) 神奈川 Japan Odawara Sakagawa (Tokaido 53 stops) Kanagawa
081-011 日本 箱根大観山(東海道53次) 神奈川 Japan Hakone Daikan-yama (Tokaido 53 stops) Kanagawa
081-012 日本 三島 三島大社(東海道53次) 静岡 Japan Mishima Mishima-taisha (Tokaido 53 stops) Shizuoka
081-013 日本 沼津 日枝神社(東海道53次) 静岡 Japan Numadu Hie-jinjya (Tokaido 53 stops) Shizuoka
081-014 日本 原(東海道53次) 静岡 Japan Hara (Tokaido 53 stops) Shizuoka
081-015 日本 吉原 左富士(東海道53次) 静岡 Japan Yoshiwara Hidari-fuji (Tokaido 53 stops) Shizuoka
081-016a 日本 由井PA(東海道53次) 静岡 Japan Yui PA (Tokaido 53 stops) Shizuoka
081-016b 日本 由井 薩垂嶺(東海道53次) 静岡 Japan Yui Satta-rei (Tokaido 53 stops) Shizuoka
081-017 日本 興津(東海道53次) 静岡 Japan Okitsu (Tokaido 53 stops) Shizuoka
081-018 日本 江尻(東海道53次) 静岡 Japan Ejiri (Tokaido 53 stops) Shizuoka
081-019 日本 袋井(東海道53次) 静岡 Japan Fukuroi (Tokaido 53 stops) Shizuoka
081-020 日本 見附 天竜川(東海道53次) 静岡 Japan Mitsuke Tenryu-gawa (Tokaido 53 stops) Shizuoka
081-021 日本 浜松(東海道53次) 静岡 Japan Hamamatsu (Tokaido 53 stops) Shizuoka
081-022 日本 舞坂(東海道53次) 静岡 Japan Maisaka (Tokaido 53 stops) Shizuoka
081-023 日本 荒井関(東海道53次) 静岡 Japan Araiseki (Tokaido 53 stops) Shizuoka
081-024 日本 白須賀(東海道53次) 静岡 Japan Shirasuka (Tokaido 53 stops) Shizuoka
081-025 日本 二川(東海道53次) 愛知 Japan Futagawa (Tokaido 53 stops) Aichi
081-026 日本 吉田(東海道53次) 愛知 Japan Yoshida (Tokaido 53 stops) Aichi

Index Hokkaido
id 地域 名称 地域名 Region Name Location
081-093001 日本 しおさい公園 網走 北海道 Japan Shiosai-koen, Abashiri Hokkaido
081-045001 日本 鰊御殿(屋内)、泊 北海道 Japan Nishin-goten (Layout), Tomari Hokkaido
081-045002 日本 武井客殿(屋内)、泊 北海道 Japan Takei-kyakuden (Layout), Tomari Hokkaido
081-045003 日本 鰊御殿(にしんごてん)、泊 北海道 Japan Nishin-goten, Tomari Hokkaido
081-046001 日本 余市醸造所 北海道 Japan Yoichi Jyozosho Hokkaido

Index Fukushima
id 地域 名称 地域名 Region Name Location
081-965001 日本 さざえ堂、会津若松 福島 Japan Sazaedp. Aiduwakamatsu Fukushima
081-965002 日本 御廟(ごびょう)、会津若松 福島 Japan Gobyo. Aiduwakamatsu Fukushima
081-965003 日本 さざえ堂、会津若松 福島 Japan Sazaedp. Aiduwakamatsu Fukushima
081-965004 日本 鶴ヶ城、会津若松 福島 Japan Tsurugajyo. Aiduwakamatsu Fukushima

Index Ibaragi
id 地域 名称 地域名 Region Name Location
081-306001 日本 江川、飯沼川 茨城 Japan Egawa & Iinumagawa Ibaragi

Index Tokyo
id 地域 名称 地域名 Region Name Location
081-144001 日本 羽田空港 東京 Japan Haneda Airport Tokyo
081-100001 日本 大島岡田港 東京 Japan Okada-ko, Oshima Tokyo
081-100002 日本 大島 地層 東京 Japan Stratum, Oshima Tokyo

Index Kanagawa
id 地域 名称 地域名 Region Name Location
081-239001 日本 燈明堂、浦賀 神奈川 Japan Tomyodo, Uraga Kanagawa
081-239002 日本 荒崎、横須賀 神奈川 Japan Arasaki, Yokosuka Kanagawa
081-240001 日本 一色海岸、葉山 神奈川 Japan Isshiki-kaigan, Hayama Kanagawa
081-240002 日本 森戸海岸、葉山 神奈川 Japan Morito-Kaigan, Hayama Kanagawa
081-249001 日本 逗子海岸、逗子 神奈川 Japan Zushi-kaigan, Zushi Kanagawa
081-249002 日本 小坪飯島公園、逗子 神奈川 Japan Kotsubo Iishima Koen, Zushi Kanagawa
081-249003 日本 池子の森自然公園、逗子 神奈川 Japan Ikego-no-mori park, Zushi Kanagawa
081-248001 日本 材木座、鎌倉 神奈川 Japan Zaimokuza, Kamakura Kanagawa
081-248002 日本 由比ヶ浜、鎌倉 神奈川 Japan Yuigahama, Kamakura Kanagawa
081-248003 日本 七里ヶ浜、鎌倉 神奈川 Japan Shichiri-ga-hama, Kamakura Kanagawa
081-248004 日本 腰越(鎌倉)片瀬東浜(藤沢) 神奈川 Japan Koshigoe(Kamakura) & Katase-Higashihama(Fujisawa) Kanagawa
081-248005 日本 浄智寺から源氏山(鎌倉) 神奈川 Japan From Jyochiji to Genjiyama(Kamakura) Kanagawa
081-248006 日本 寿福寺から源氏山(鎌倉) 神奈川 Japan From Jyufukuji to Genjiyama (Kamakura) Kanagawa
081-248007 日本 源頼朝墓前まで(鎌倉) 神奈川 Japan To grave of Yoritomo Minamoto(Kamakura) Kanagawa

Index Okinawa
id 地域 名称 地域名 Region Name Location
081-907001 日本 浦内川、西表島 沖縄 Japan Urauchi-gawa, Iriomote Okinawa

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